I fell asleep repeating that sentence to myself. Why? Because I have this terrible problem where I physically cannot be on time for any appointment,meeting,or anything involving my presence at a particular time. I'm trying to get it recongised as a real problem. I've even got a name ready- lateitis. Not quite original or creative but hey! I'm not the creative one. Which reminds me. I'm getting off track.
So yeah, what do I need to be on time for? MY REUNION DATE WITH JOEYSTAR! Due to the nightmare that is formally known as 'exams' I haven't had a chance to catch up with her (msn excluded). We had planned on meeting around 1 (with some leeway for my lateness) near my house and just doing random stuff. And then retreating back to mine for more random stuff. Cause you know, we are random personified and all that jazz.
The day started out on time. I woke up the first time my alarm went off. Mini miracle! Then time-keeping went downhill after that. I don't know how. I have this other habit (which I think may be the cause of my lateitis) where I tend to waste time doing nothing i.e staring at the wall, looking out of the window. Because one second it was 11.30, next 12.59.
Grab bag,check outfit one more time,check oystercard,leave house,run to bus stop.
Shoot! Forgot phone. Run back,get phone. Run to bus stop.Again.
Now I have to wait for the bus driver to actually drive. Why is it that bus drivers tend to drive so SLOW when you're running late? Like, honestly when I don't have to be anywhere at a specfic time I always get there much earlier than normal. Maybe I'm imagining it? Anyway back to the story.
The bus finally moves off and I arrive at our designated meeting spot. I come just in time to see Joey being talked to *cough*creeped out*cough* by this mature gentleman. She has the international signal of distress on her face; a polite, yet please-get-me-out-of-here smile. Being a female I'm able to recognise the signal and automatically make my way to rescue her.
(un)Fortunately, Joey sees me before I can get to her and excuses herself from the clutches of the gentleman. Which is great but totally ruined the possiblilty of a dramatic rescue. But never mind! Cause Joeystar and Maybelle are reunited..and it feels so gooood!! After browsing the stores and indulging in the occasional spongebob one liner we decide to get something to eat. Tofu Yakisoba for me and sandwich for Joey. Yummers!
Whilst in the queue for my yakisoba I remember that Joey's never tried sushi before. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sushi's biggest fan (I'm slightly suspicious of any type of raw fish) but it's all about trying something new. So we decide to get some sushi too, Oh and wasabi peas, For anybody who hasn't tried wasabi peas I implore you to try it ASAP! It does what it says on the tin. Wasabi flavoured dried peas. Feel the burn babybeh! Armed with our purchases and food we head on over to this really nice,man-made garden to have a picnic. It's kind of like a roof-area, with grass. Only its not a roof. And it's not entirely grassified..(Is that even a word)
I'm not good with descriptions. Anyhows..
Food. Check.
Shopping. Check.
Spongebob one liners. Check
Place to eat? Check
You know what else irritates me? British weather. The whole week it had been nice and sunny, heck even heatwaveish. The one day we decide to brave the heatwave it decides to rain. Where was this rain when I was melting last week? Abandoning our hope of a picnic we head downstairs desperately seeking man-made shelter.
JOEY TRIED NIGIRI SUSHI!!! I was so proud! I even took a photo to document the moment. One second you're making their baby formula and the next they're eating nigiri sushi... They grow up so fast.
*Cue Mission Imposisble theme song*
Mysterious voice:Ladies. It's raining cats and dogs. Your mission? Escape unscathed. Oh and agents.Be warned, better agents than you have tried...and failed.
You should have seen it. Running from one tree to another. Hiding in every nook and cranny. What should have been at the very most a 2 minute walk turned into what could very well be a dramatic outtake from a Harry Potter scene. Rain,wind, EVERYTHING!
But the rain couldn't dampen our spirits. Despite having met up rather early (by my standards at least) the day was over before you could say 'bikini bottom' (which fyi is where spongebob resides). I walk Joey back to the bus top,sad that our day is over but laughing about all the jokes and random things we saw and did.
After bidding Joey adieu I realise that instead of walking around 10 mins to the bus stop we could have just gone to the one opposite my house. D'oh.
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